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  • 人类命运共同体思想的历史超越性及实践张力——以新世界主义为分析视角

    2018-01-08 《中国出版》 邵培仁; 许咏喻
    "全球化"主要指经济全球化,其作为一种现代性的趋势或者传播后果引发的思考不绝如缕,但传统的政治经济学者和传播学者注意到其所带来的问题却无法给出具有阐释力的解决方案。习近平总书记提出的"人类命运共同体"论述不仅在规避民族主义困境下给出了应对全球化浪潮的新思维,也在很大程度上指明了全球政治经济秩序以及国际传播的发展方向。研究发现,"人类命运共同体"论述是一种极富超越性的构想,具有极强的阐释力、实践力、弹性和张力,它致力于建构的不再是貌合神离的"地球村"和乌托邦式的世界主义,... 更多
  • Public trust in local governments and environmental risks in China: the effects of media use, perceived dread, and perceived inequality

    This study deals with the phenomenon of air pollution in China, focusing on the relative influence of media use and risk perception on public trust in local governments. In particular, risk perception is specified as perceived dread and perceived inequality. Detailed analyses of the survey data showed that perceived dread partially mediat 更多
  • 'Media events': first quarter of a century and the next

    2018-01-01 《MEDIA CULTURE & SOCIETY》 李金铨、李红涛
    We argue that the concept ‘media events’ has renewed the relevance of many existing studies, sharpened the significance of other studies, and inspired a stream of research. We then review our work on media events in relation to the grand narratives of national interest and collective memory. To reinvigorate the conceptual viability of ‘me 更多
  • Exploring the Feasibility of Mail Surveys in Urban China

    2017-11-01 《FIELD METHODS》 张婵; Lepkowski, James M.; He, Lirui
    While mail surveys are common in many developed countries, it is still a new method in other, often less-developed countries. This study explores the feasibility of mail surveys in urban China. We conducted an experiment manipulating delivery method (regular mail vs. courier delivery service) and incentive payment (prepaid vs. no incentiv 更多

版权所有?浙江大学十大信誉老品牌   地址:浙江省杭州市西湖区余杭塘路866号浙江大学十大信誉老品牌
